Led Tailgate Light

Product Description

1.DC 12V, LED color: red, white, PVC Flexible strip,with super bright 2835 led light, 60"  60LED

2. Waterproof

3.Easy installation                                                          4. 3MVHB 4229  double glue on the back of the prouduct. rive off the protection paper then install the product to anywhere you need to

5.Application:rear light:with different function for driving light,brake light,turn signal and reversing light

Brake light:red color led light on 

Driving light:red color led light on,but with 50% brightness

Reversing light:white color led light on

Left turn signal:the left side red color led light flash

Right turn signal:the right side red led light flash


Led Tailgate Light

Led Tailgate Light

Led Tailgate Light

Led Tailgate Light

Led Tailgate Light